Wouldn’t it be lovely to end each day with a massage? While that would be amazing, it’s not an actual reality for anyone-not even the spouse of a massage therapist!

At Bamboo Bodyworx, we want every BODY that comes in to receive the care it deserves and not just while you’re here getting a massage.

Check out our Self Care Suggestions

Our Top 3 are regularly asked about from clients and the main links sent out. Instead of sending you one link at a time-here’s a page of all the faves! Click on the picture to check it out!

*Disclosure: The links below are Amazon Affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, we will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.

1. Bob and Brad Mini Massager- This is our NUMBER ONE because it’s AMAZING! This lil guy only weighs 1 pound but still packs a good punch!

2. Heated Neck Pillow- All our client’s love when we use this! Pop this into the microwave at the end of the day and you’ll be thanking yourself.

3. Silicone Scalp Brush- Anyone who has had a scalp massage from us knows these will take your mind off ANYTHING! Talk about SENSEsational!